We minister with people Jesus came to serve.

Helping inmates, returning citizens and at-risk youth yoke themselves to Christ for salvation and changed lives.

Yokefellowship Prison Ministry is committed to changing the lives of those experiencing and recovering from incarceration in Pennsylvania. Yokefellowship Prison Ministry (YPM) provides a unique faith-based relational approach in institutions and preparation for re-entry and transitioning into society. Through small disciplined fellowship groups, both volunteers and inmates are able to “yoke” themselves to Christ and in the process heed the call to help others.

Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” - Matthew 11:28-30

YPM 2024 Annual Conference

Almost 100 Yokefellows and friends, who are passionate about making a positive impact on the lives of incarcerated individuals, met at the YPM Annual Conference on September 27-28.

Why we exist.

“The primary purpose is the improvement of persons. Separation from the world for a while is justified if new life emerges. But Yokefellows know that new life does not emerge of itself. It comes only if there is consistent and loving effort to give embodiment to the divine potential in each person made in God’s image. That is why we work; we are trying to combine the warm heart and the clear head. We are well aware of the possibility of failure, but we never give up, because the prize is one of real magnitude. If one person is truly changed, all of the effort expended is worthwhile.”

- D. Elton Trueblood, Founder of the Yokefellow movement addressing federal prison chaplains from across the nation 

Make an impact on lives.

Provide Books to Inmates

Over 10,000 people are released from prison each week in the U.S. and up to 66% return to prison within three years because of new crimes or parole violations. What is the answer? “GET FREE and STAY FREE: Stories of Inmates Who Found Freedom Inside and Out” tells the compelling account of 11 inmates who have achieved and maintained physical and spiritual freedom when they returned to society.

You can now make a direct impact on the lives of inmates by providing them with this book that can nurture their faith and offer knowledge, hope and an escape from the harsh realities of prison life.

"As you read through these accounts, you will find yourself marveling at the changes, cheering for their success, while wondering how it could have gotten so bad in the first place."

- Scott E. Lash, Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Berks County, Pennsylvania


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(724) 672-0545