Partner with YPM for Transformative Impact

Yokefellowship Prison MInistry is committed to serving Christ and the people He died to save. We invite churches to consider partnering with Yokefellowship Prison Ministry, a trusted organization dedicated to bringing hope and healing to those impacted by incarceration.

“…I was in prison and you visited me.”

Matthew 25:36

Why partner with us?

  • Ministry at the Margins: By partnering with YPM, your church can extend its ministry to those often forgotten or marginalized in society -- the incarcerated and their families. This opportunity to fulfill the Biblical mandate to visit those in prison (Matthew 25:36) can bring about transformation in lives that yearn for redemption. In essence, YPM is an extension of local churches of the “body of Christ.”

  • Impactful Programs: Our ministry offers a range of impactful programs, including small group fellowship, mentoring and reentry support. Through these initiatives, churches can tangibly participate in the restorative work of God and make a lasting difference.

  • Training and Resources: Yokefellowship provides training and resources for churches looking to engage with the prison population effectively.

  • Witness and Outreach: Partnering with YPM allows churches to be visible witnesses of Christ's love and compassion in practical ways. It provides a unique opportunity for your members to live out their faith authentically by reaching out to those in need and reflecting the grace of God in tangible ways.

Ways churches can partner with us

  • Praying.

  • Writing letters to inmates.

  • Opening your worship services for YPM leaders and returning citizens to preach, share about the ministry and offer their testimony.

  • Encouraging church attenders to join YPM as volunteers to visit small groups and share life around the Bible in correctional institutions.

  • Volunteering as a spiritual advisor to an individual inmate or as a mentor to a returned citizen.

  • Provide financial support for the ministry of YPM.

  • Meeting a newly-released returned citizen at the prison door to provide transportation and a Christian welcome on a joyous day. See more details on our Meeting at the Door Program.

  • Opening your church building to host a YPM training session or gathering event.

How to Get Involved

If your church is ready to step into this transformative ministry, we encourage you to reach out to us today. Together, we can sow seeds of hope, restoration, and reconciliation in the lives of those affected by incarceration.

Let us join hands to bring light into the darkness of prison walls and proclaim the message of redemption to those who are yearning for a new beginning.