The Marks of a Yokefellow

The following attributes of discipleship are highly valued and taught as “marks” of a Yokefellow:


A Yokefellow is a disciple of the divine Lord, Christ, and is committed to the work of His kingdom among men. A disciple’s belief is not a closed affair, but one that is open to truth and is unafraid of inquiry or scrutiny. A disciple knows that, to be vital, his faith must grow; it must likewise be made relevant to his life and work.


A Yokefellow is one who knows that faith in Christ is not a private affair; to be kept it must be shared.


A Yokefellow is one who is willing to be used by the Holy Spirit as a means of opening the doors of people’s lives to God’s love and grace.


It is impossible to be a Christian and to choose to be a Christian in isolation. A Yokefellow finds or produces a redemptive Christian fellowship.


Prayer. Pray daily.

Scripture. Read reverently and thoughtfully a portion of Scripture daily, following a definite plan.

Worship. Share, at least weekly, in the public worship of God

Money. Give a definite portion of my income to the promotion of Christ’s cause and as an act of worship.

Time. Use my time as a sacred gift, not to be wasted, striving to make my daily work, whatever it may be, a Christian vocation.

Service. Daily lift some human burden.

Study. Develop mental powers by careful reading and studying.